CHM 115 - Inorganic & Organic Chemistry
Reviews inorganic topics such as the periodic table, atomic structure, bonding, formulas, chemical equations, solutions, and acids and bases. Organic chemistry topics covered are hydrocarbons, alcohols, phenyls, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, amines, and amino acids. Structure, nomenclature and reactions of the classes of organic compounds are emphasized. Laboratory work covers and reinforces concepts such as physical and chemical properties, stoichiometry, acid-base titration, reactions of various classes of organic compounds, specific tests for those classes, and analytical techniques both on the macrom and microscale levels. Students retaking this or equivalent course must repeat both lab and lecture. The lecture portion of this course if offered on the web, the lab portion must be taken on campus.
Co-requisite: NONE
Prerequisite: CHM 095 with a C or better or CHM 111 with a C or better
Credits: 0 to 4(Lec: 0 to 3 Lab: 0 to 3)
School: School of Arts and Sciences
Department: Science Department
Attributes: General Elective

Version: 3.4 (02/23/2022)

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