FNH 250 - Baking & Pastry II
This course is designed to integrate the student's previous coursework in bakery and pastry arts and academic studies using fundamental baking techniques, topics of contemporary significance, food science, aesthetics and sensory perception as frameworks. Advanced Baking and Pastry is an examination of taste, baking and pastry techniques, ingredients and spices. Building on the previous baking course, CAP 150, students will research recipes, produce them for consumption, evaluate them and conduct cost analysis.
Co-requisite: NONE
Prerequisite: FNH114, FNH150
Credits: 3(Lec: 2 Lab: 4)
School: Bus & Info & Hlth Sup Tech
Department: Food, Nutrition & Hospitality
Attributes: General Elective

Version: 3.4 (02/23/2022)

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