Shannon Lange
In life, we might have a broad interest in a field of study without knowing where we want to end up. For Shannon Lange, this year’s Vascular Sonography Outstanding Graduate, falling ill in the early part of her college education led her to the career she now loves.
Lange, a 2019 Fremont Ross High School graduate, heard about Owens from her friends. She took a year off after graduating high school before starting on her pre-requisite courses. “While I was getting those out of the way, I became sick,” she said. “Fortunately, that experience is what sparked my interest in ultrasound.”
Healthcare had always been in Lange’s mind as a career path. When she became ill, she had an ultrasound. “I applied for both vascular and general ultrasound programs,” she said. When she was accepted into the vascular program, she quickly fell in love with her future.
Many instructors at Owens are practicing in their field in addition to teaching. Lange credits that with her success in the program. “They provide tons of ways to get extra help and prepare you for your clinical experiences and beyond,” Lange said.
After graduation, Lange plans to work in a contingent position at a Toledo-area hospital.
Learn more about the Vascular Sonography Program >>
Learn more about the School of Nursing and Health Professions >>
Published May 2024