Kelly Wentworth
Kelly Wentworth has embarked on an Owens Community College education twice in her life. The second venture has a similar feel to the first.
During her senior year at Leipsic High School in 2015-16, she juggled classes at Leipsic, cosmetology classes at Millstream Career Center in Findlay and College Credit Plus classes online from Owens all while working at a salon to gain hours toward her state licensure.
Her career goal was to own and work in her own salon.
While she still wants to own a salon, in January 2019, she took a job as a bank teller at Fort Jennings State Bank in Leipsic. A year later, an opportunity for advancement emerged, if she went to college.
“I sat down with our bank president (Larry Schimmoeller) and talked about my goal of going to school with the end goal of graduating and becoming a loan officer for the bank. He said he respected my drive and would help me achieve my goal!”
The Leipsic resident enrolled in the Owens accounting program online. She works full time at the bank and part time at a local salon while taking her accounting classes online at night.
“Then I go to bed and start all over the next day. It keeps repeating but it’s all worth it,” said Wentworth, 22, who also is treasurer of the Leipsic Chamber of Commerce and active in Putnam Professionals Business Network International (BNI).
A newlywed with her husband, Branden, Kelly Wentworth said she has had a positive Owens experience, including her College Credit Plus classes in high school. She spoke highly about the faculty, noting one of her instructors this semester met individually with her online at 9 p.m. to provide assistance.
“They’re very helpful and very respectful. I just love the instructors,” she said. “I’m so thankful for them. They’re accommodating to your schedule. And calling campus, everyone’s so friendly and they get you the information you need in a timely manner.”
The Owens Findlay-area Campus is located at 3200 Bright Road on the city’s north side.
Students enrolled at Owens Findlay choose from a variety of options, including start-to-finish degrees in nursing and the skilled trades or the Oiler Express dual admission transfer program with the University of Findlay.
“Our students have more than 20 degrees and certificates that they can enroll in and become job-ready,” said Julie Baker, Dean of the Owens Findlay-area Campus. “We also offer the first two years of a bachelor’s degree.
“Our students like the campus setting, how they get to know other students and faculty because of our small size,” she added.
Featuring the Education Center and Community Education and Wellness Center buildings, the Findlay-area Campus covers more than 60 acres.
“It’s nice and quiet,” Wentworth said. “It’s an overall beautiful campus.”
For more information, visit www.owens.edu/findlay.
Published September 2020