President's Message
How are we responding to what is being asked of us as an educational institution?
Nationwide changes in higher education have caused drastic alterations in the traditional boundaries of the educational system. With the challenges that our economy has brought, we have had to develop new and innovative ways to address them. We have established new partnerships, we have taken a closer look at our methods of operation, we are using technology to better communicate, and we are finding ways to do more with less. We must ensure that Owens Community College stays strong and remains positioned for success as our country's educational system faces new challenges in the years ahead.
Our initiatives over the last year have poised us to be a catalyst of change in this new educational climate. We are recognized as a benchmark AQIP-quality institution made even stronger by the efforts of our outstanding students, revered faculty, and hard-working staff members. Our Math Emporium is showing significant success for students in developmental math. We were fortunate enough to be selected as a Fulbright Scholar host for a business instructor from Tajikistan. Our athletic teams had an outstanding year both on the field and in the classroom and with that they brought a strong sense of school spirit. Service Learning remains an important facet of our student's educational experience and this year Owens was nationally recognized for its efforts in this arena. These are just a few highlights of the fine work that is conducted on our campuses and learning centers every day.
Our students chose Owens to help them succeed and build a solid foundation for their life's journey. That is a responsibility we take seriously. We know you, as an invested community partner, do as well.
I came to Owens aware that I'd be facing some challenges. My experience is that the most common obstacles in adapting to change are believing that yesterday's solutions will solve today's problems. Realignments needed made, budgets needed tightening, and procedures needed refined. We encountered some tough times, but together we are emerging a stronger college, of that I am certain.
I am proud to be the sixth president of Owens Community College. Throughout my first year I have been encouraged and inspired by the efforts of so many. By remaining focused on our mission, we will continue on our path to becoming the best community college in the state of Ohio.
Thank you for your support of Owens Community College.