Program Goals & Student Learning Outcomes

Surgical Technology & Pre-Surgical Concentration

The goal of the Surgical Technology Program is to prepare competent entry-level surgical technologists in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains.


The goal of the program is to provide students with a comprehensive background in the basic sciences, with mastery of aseptic technique, with the perfection of surgical skills, and with a keenly developed surgical conscience as established in the AST Core Curriculum.


  1. Apply the knowledge of anatomy, physiology, microbiology, and pharmacology to the care of the perioperative patient as it relates to the role of the Surgical Technologist.
  2. Utilize knowledge and skills to attend to the physical, psychological and social needs of the patient.
  3. Apply medical terminology to communicate clearly and effectively with patients, families, physicians and co­workers.
  4. Utilize critical thinking to perform the duties of the surgical technologist.


The goal of the program is to ensure that students enter the workforce as qualified and technically skilled surgical technologists. To educate students with practices of safe patient care and of anticipating the needs of the surgical team in the perioperative setting. To instruct students to employ HIPAA, OSHA, Standard Precautions, and other infection control measures in the healthcare setting.


  1. Demonstrate perioperative technical skills and knowledge in a safe and effective manner.
  2. Exhibit safe practice methods involving preparation routines of the intraoperative environment, patient positioning and emergency procedures.
  3. Actively participate in the scrub role in a variety of procedures in surgical specialty areas according to hospital policy.


The goal of the program is to prepare students to effectively interact with patients, families, and members of the healthcare team in a therapeutic and professional manner. To help students achieve respect for the diverse factors of others including but not limited to socio-cultural, socio-economic, spiritual, and lifestyle choices. To stimulate and develop within students a pattern of personal growth and improvement and a commitment to lifelong learning.


  1. Attain comprehensive ethical, legal, moral and cultural awareness as they relate to the surgical technologist’s ability to provide patient care and how this awareness fosters cooperation and success among members of the surgical team.
  2. Demonstrate the importance of and the ability to model the professional attributes of the Surgical Technologist including the maintenance of a strict ‘surgical conscience’.
  3. Demonstrate accountability in their practice based on current knowledge.
  4. Demonstrate recognition of the need for continuing education to enhance their professional and personal growth to keep up with technological advances in medicine.

Student Learning Outcomes at the Program Level

 Successful graduates of the Program will be able to:

  • Demonstrate accountability and ethical decision­ making as a member of the surgical team (affective)
  • Demonstrate the ability to create and maintain the sterile field (psychomotor)
  • Provide safe, effective care of the surgical patient based on the principles of asepsis (affective/cognitive/psychomotor).

Graduates obtaining national certification as a CST demonstrate by examination understanding of the basic competencies for safe patient care in the operating room. The CST is widely recognized in the health care community as the foremost credential for surgical technologists in the nation. The CST is required for employment within many local, state and national health care organizations.