Admissions & Additional Program Requirements

Occupational Therapy Assistant

Health Requirements

Students are required to have a physical exam, including immunizations, titers and lab tests during the 1st Semester with updates in the 4th semester. Health information including immunizations and laboratory results, Emergency contact information, Personal Data Form, FBI and BCI Background Checks, Owens OCID, phone number, Owens emails, and proof of CPR will be shared with clinical affiliates as required by our legal agreements. These documents will be sent from Owens to the experiential-learning/fieldwork sites at appropriate times.

See the Selective Admission Requirements page for more information.

Background Check Requirements

Background checks by the Ohio Attorney General’s Bureau of Criminal Investigation and Identification (BCI & I) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are required. The student assumes the cost of the background checks.

For more information regarding background checks visit the following websites: