Clay Santos
Family can influence many aspects of our lives. For Clay Santos, a Findlay-area Campus student and May 2022 graduate, family was the reason he chose Owens and applied engineering. This year, the Board of Trustees honored Santos, a 4.0 student, for exemplary academic achievement.
The McComb High School graduate was inspired to get into applied engineering and the Regional Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (RAMP) program at Owens because of his family. Many members of his family work in skilled trades or some aspect of manufacturing, so coming to Owens was a clear choice for him. The RAMP program blends classroom instruction with onsite work experience at a sponsoring company’s manufacturing facility. “I think the biggest advantage of going to Owens is the smaller class sizes because you are able to have more one-on-one learning opportunities with the professors,” said Santos.
“If a student is considering a skilled trade but is unsure what they would like to specialize in, the RAMP program is a great way to get a taste of different areas,” Santos said. He is currently apprenticing at Simona PMC and after graduating, he will continue working there while he explores options for furthering his education in manufacturing.
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Published May 2022