Payments and Refunds

Jump to:   E-Billing   |   Making a Payment   |   Deferred Payment Plan   |   Refunds   |   Payment FAQ


Have not received a bill in the mail? In order to control the rising cost of higher education, the Office of Student Accounts does not mail bills via U.S. Mail.

Please refer to the Financial Aid Summary Card in your Ozone account.

Tuition and Fees are assessed to the Student Account 6 weeks before the start of the semester.

Making a Payment


You may pay your bill 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, using a credit card or electronic check through your Ozone account. Click Pay Online on the Term Account Balance Card.

Please note that there will be a 2.85% non-refundable service fee charged on any credit/debit card transaction. Payments made by e-check from a checking or savings account are not subject to a service fee.

For more information, please read the Payment FAQs below.

Web Credit Card and WebCheck Payment

A Web Credit Card Payment and Web Check payment is a secure and effective method for students to make check and credit card payments online. Owens Community College accepts Discover, MasterCard and Visa. For more information, log in to Ozone.

Please note that there will be a 2.85% non-refundable service fee charged on any credit/debit card transaction.

Payments made by e-check from a checking or savings account are not subject to a service fee.

For more information, please read the Payment FAQs below.

In Person

If you are using cash or money order, you may place a payment in the secure payment drop box on either the Toledo-area or Findlay-area Campus.

Please use a payment envelope when making your payment. In order to ensure that your payment is credited to the correct day, please time-stamp your envelope before placing it in the drop box.

By Mail

Payments can also be mailed to:

Owens Community College
Attn: Student Accounts
30335 Oregon Road
Perrysburg, OH 43551

Please make sure to put your name and OCID on the payment to ensure proper posting.

Deferred Payment Plan

The Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) offers eligible students the opportunity to defer payment of tuition and fees over a four-month period for fall and spring semesters and a three-month period for summer semester.

The student will be allowed one payment plan each semester.

A $25 non-refundable Payment Option Fee is assessed to each participant each semester.

Veterans: If you are a Veteran, please contact your Veterans Representative before filling out the Deferred Payment Plan.

Tuition and Fees Covered by the Plan Include

  • Instructional
  • General
  • Laboratory
  • Non-General

Criteria for Owens Community College Students to be Eligible for the Plan

  • Student is 18 years of age
  • Good financial standing with Owens (no financial hold or delinquency)
  • Good academic standing with Owens (no academic dismissal or probation)

A co-signer may participate in the plan with a student who does not meet the eligibility requirements. Students who receive financial aid may also be eligible for the DPP.

Due Dates for the Plan

Spring 2025

  • January 6
  • February 6
  • March 6
  • April 6

Fall 2024

  • August 12
  • September 12
  • October 12
  • November 12

Summer 2024

  • May 13
  • June 13
  • July 13


Owens Community College delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc.

For more information about BankMobile Disbursements, visit this link:

To review our third-party servicer contract for refund management, please go to

*Students under the age of 18 who are expecting a refund will receive a paper check mailed to the address the College has on file. Should a student under the age of 18 like to set up a refund preference through BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc., this request will need to be made through Student Financial Services.

Refund Dates

Lack of attendance does not constitute eligibility to receive refunds or guarantee the waiver of College fees.

To be eligible for a refund, students must follow the official withdrawal procedures that can be found at the Registration (Add/Drop Class) Instructions webpage.

The date of withdrawal processed through the Records Office is the date used to determine the amount of tuition and fees that are refunded.

Payment Frequently Asked Questions

What credit cards does Owens Community College accept?

How will the service fee that I am charged show up on my student account bill?

Is there any way I can avoid paying a service fee?

If I receive a refund for my tuition or other fees, is the service fee refundable?

May I pay educational expenses that appear on my student account with a debit card?

Do other higher education institutions charge a service fee?

What is a service fee?

Often, I receive checks from my credit card company. Can I use the routing number and account number on these checks to make an e-check payment?

Why is the service fee 2.85%? How was it established?