Contact and Location Information

Owens (Aspire) College and Career Readiness Center

Owens Aspire College and Career Readiness Center grads

Contact Us

Please call (567) 661–2CCR (2227) Monday-Friday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Walk-in hours: Tuesday and Thursday | 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Founders Hall, Room 1121
Toledo-area Campus, Owens Community College

Or email

College and Career Readiness Staff

Justin Heath Huber
Program Director, Owens CCR

Wenona Pryor-Williams
Office Manager, Owens CCR

Ready to get started?

PLEASE NOTE: The Aspire College and Career Readiness Center Office and ALL Aspire classes will be closed at ALL locations and not in session on days the College is closed.