Information Regarding Distance Education at Owens Community College
Testing Services offers proctoring for students who need to take exams in a proctored environment but are not current Owens Community College attendees.
- We offer web-based or paper proctoring only.
- If your completed exam will only be accepted by USPS, you are responsible for providing a stamped envelope to return all paperwork.
- We charge $25 (non-refundable) fee for each test scheduled/administered.
- If we do not have the test instructions and exam in our office the day before the scheduled exam, we will not be able to administer the examination.
If your college requires Owens Community College to complete paperwork (such as a proctor agreement), please e-mail all forms and information to for Toledo, or e-mail for Findlay so that we can complete the required request.
All students needing proctoring must complete the Application for Examination and submit the $25 payment prior to scheduling.
- This can be done by paying online at Complete all fields and choose “Distance Education”.
If you prefer to print out the Application for Examination, you may do so from the same webpage, select Mail-in form, and deposit the mail-in form and the payment into the drop box in College Hall (Toledo-area Campus) across from the student lounge or outside of Student Services (Findlay-area Campus).
- If mailing, please return to Owens Community College, ATTN: Student Accounts, 30335 Oregon Road, Perrysburg, OH 43551.
- Make all checks payable to Owens Community College.
- The drop box accepts both cash and checks; however, only checks will be accepted by mail. You are responsible for submitting your payment in ample time for it to be processed prior to your preferred testing date.
Students must provide a valid, photo ID at check-in. Please review Owens Community College’s Testing Rules prior to arriving at the Testing Center. Appointments are required for test proctoring. We will do our best to accommodate your testing date and time preferences.
Steps to utilize Owens Community College as your Test Proctor…
- Make your $25 payment online at
- Decide which Owens Community College location you want to proctor your exam, either Toledo or Findlay.
- If you choose the Toledo-area Campus, notify your college that you wish to use Owens Community College — Toledo, as your proctor.
- If your college wishes to email our office, the address is:
- If your college wishes to mail information, the mailing address is: 30335 Oregon Rd., Perrysburg, Ohio, 43551.
- If your college needs to list a proctor, please list René Downour, Manager, Testing Services.
- If you choose the Findlay-area Campus, notify your college that you wish to use Owens Community College — Findlay, as your proctor.
- If your college wishes to email our office, the address is:
- If your college wishes to mail information, the mailing address is: 30335 Oregon Rd., Perrysburg, Ohio, 43551.
- If your college needs to list a proctor, please list René Downour, Manager, Testing Services.
- After Testing Services has received your payment, please contact Testing Services to schedule an appointment.
- Owens Community College does not pay for postage to mail tests back to your school. If your school requires Owens Community College Testing Services to mail your completed examination, either your college or you are responsible for providing the return envelope and return postage. Owens Community College will not pay the postage to return a completed exam.