Name Changes

Your academic record should always reflect your full legal name while in attendance at Owens Community College (OCC). A former student has the option of requesting the name on his/her Academic Record be updated to reflect a change in his/her legal name.

To protect the integrity of your Academic Record, we require your written authorization and documentary proof of your name change. Your written authorization should include your Social Security Number, all former names; the year and term you last attended OCC, your complete new name and your signature authorizing the change. You may use the Name Change Form to authorize us to change your name on your Academic Record.

To verify your request for a name change, at least 2 forms of documentation in the new name must be submitted with the request. The first form of documentation must be a valid Driver’s License or State ID. The second form of documentation can be a Social Security card, signed Federal or State tax return, or legal court documents (marriage certificate, marriage license, divorce decree, etc.).

View the Name Change Form.