STEM Internship Program

Propel your career in STEM

The STEM internship program provides students with hands-on experience. Gain important experience in your field while earning college credit and a paycheck. Explore career possibilities with a STEM Internship.

Any STEM field of study at Owens can participate in the STEM Internship program. Their time participating in an internship will be added to their academic transcript and help students move toward a full-time job!

Benefits for Students >>

Students who participate in a STEM internship will apply the knowledge they have gained in the classroom at a specific company. Internships will also offer the opportunity to network with STEM professionals and mentors.

Benefits for Employers >>

Help your company become visible to the next generation of STEM professionals and take part in helping students grow into their career field. Who knows? Maybe that next intern could become an essential part of your company’s future success.

Contact Us

Daniel A. Burklo
Dean, School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
(567) 661-7419