Check daily for new testimonials!
Monday, November 1 – Monday, November 8
There is POWER in OUR Voice
Watch for the daily testimonial above.
Each day a new testimonial will be released that will highlight the voice of an Owens Community College staff, student, or faculty member. Participants will share pieces of their journey as a First Gen Student. Stories have been produced by Owens OutComm Student Media Center and students of the Owens Community College Broadcast Media Technology program.
Monday, November 1 – Friday, November 5
Scavenger Hunt
Location: Campus Wide
Join the hunt and connect with the many resources and support offices here at Owens Community College.
Monday, Nov. 1st – Friday, Nov. 5th, 2021
Scavenger Hunt info can be picked up in CH127 (TRIO Student Support Services)
Scavengers will be given places on campus to visit. Take a picture with the listed representative or object from that office. When you are done you can submit all your photos to https://forms.gle/KGxyGRWKKqjteE5S9
Submissions are due by 12:00 noon (11/5/21)
The person/team with the most points will be eligible for some fun giveaways!
Winners will be chosen/announced Friday, Nov. 5th @ 4:00pm
Monday, November 1 – Monday, November 8
9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Meet Us at The Grill
Location: The Grill (College Hall)
Stop by the Fireside Grill during the week wearing your Owens First Gen button and you will receive a discount on any meal purchased. Also be sure to check out the weekly specials.
First Gen Student / First Gen Student Advocate buttons can be picked up from TRIO Student Support Services, Fast Track Program, Veterans Services, Disability Resource Center, and The Center for Campus and Community Connections offices.
Monday, November 1 and Tuesday, November 2
10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
1st Gen Huddle
Location: The Grill (College Hall)
Take a break in the day and join the huddle.Come hang out with other First Gen students, faculty, and staff and enjoy one of our activities. (plant a plant, make a stress ball, make a fleece blanket, or write a letter to a military veteran…Dear Solider Letter)
Monday, November 1
1:30 p.m.
Mission Imposter: Dealing with Imposter Syndrome
Location: College Hall 140
Ever feel like an imposter? Ever feel like your successes are just luck and like everyone else has it together? It’s a common feeling for college students to experience, but you do belong and have worked hard to get here. Learn about what we call “Imposter Syndrome,” and how to combat it. Plus, we’ll have some fun, too.
Tuesday, November 2
3 p.m.
Tik Tok… There Goes the Clock
Location: Owens Library 112
Our most valuable asset is our time. How we use it? Who we spend our time with? What do we spend our time doing? Join us to learn valuable tips and tricks to help make the most of your 525,600 minutes (# of minutes in a year).
Wednesday, November 3
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
1st Gen Celebration
Location: The Grill (College Hall)
Join in the celebration! Everyone is invited to join us as we celebrate being a First Gen student. Meet us in The Fireside Grill (College Hall) for refreshments, networking, and community building. ALL ARE WELCOME!
Wednesday, November 3
3 p.m.
Out of the “Shadow” and into a Career
Location: Heritage Hall 128
During this workshop, students will be guided through an exploration of Virtual Job Shadow, an online career tool with online career assessments, career videos, life skills videos, and resume and cover letter builders.
Thursday, November 4
6 p.m.
Living Legacies: Conversations with First Gen Trailblazers
Location: Zoom Meeting
Zoom Meeting ID: 897 1666 3798
Passcode: 096415
Sometimes the best kept secrets are shared in everyday conversations. Join us for conversations with First Gen Trailblazers from around Northwest Ohio. As a First Gen Student having a goal is the first step to success, but learning from others helps you avoid unnecessary pitfalls.
Saturday, November 6
11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Parents Just Don’t Understand
Location: College Hall 148
Supporting a First Gen college student can be just as challenging as being a student. Join us as we discuss how you can provide support for your First Gen student, as well as get a better understanding of how to navigate this thing called higher education.
Monday, November 8
All day
National 1st Generation College Student Day
Location: Campus Wide
National First Generation College Student Day! Show your First Gen spirit and support of First Gen Students by wearing a First Gen Student or First Gen Student Advocate button. Post your support on your social media (Instagram, TikTok, SnapChat, Facebook) and be sure to use the tags #CelebrateFirstGen #PowerInOurVoice # OwensCommunityCollege