Community Partner Resources

The Center for Campus and Community Connections partners with local community partners to:

  • assist agencies with volunteer projects
  • pair students with relevant opportunities for academic service learning, community engagement, or internship hours
  • support our campus community with need-based resources through local agencies
  • build community both on and off campus.

Community partners should contact our office to ensure that we have accurate contact information on file. The office maintains a community partner database with the appropriate contact person and a description of opportunities with training expectations, time constraints, location and other relevant details.

We ask that our community partners be willing to help students learn about the organization, the population served and the systemic and civic supports and obstacles that you may experience.

*Students placed through our offices are participating in service to help meet academic outcomes and may use this experience as part of their coursework.

For more information or to speak with our Director Krista Kiessling, please call (567) 661-2275 or email

Owens Action and Resource Fair

Community Partners are invited to share information about volunteer opportunities at their organizations and can meet students and faculty to coordinate relevant and mutually beneficial activities for service learning and community engagement.

We also invite agencies who provide resources relevant to our student population, specifically housing, food, employment, utilities, childcare, etc.

If you are interested in participating in the Action and Resource Fair, please contact the Center for Campus and Community Connections.

Email Krista Kiessling at or call (419) 460-1272.

There is no cost for this event.

Community Room

College Hall 153
Google location map | College Hall building map

Our new and improved space is attached to a very well-equipped community multipurpose room (College Hall 153).

If you have services you can provide to our students and/or would like to share information with the Owens community about your organization, please consider utilizing our community room for this reason. It’s a beautiful light-filled space with access to plenty of parking!

We want to learn more about you and find as many ways to partner as possible.  This is also a great room for hands-on volunteer activities.

If you have a project we can help you with, please let us know.

Schedule a visit!
Email Krista at or call (419) 460-1272.