Bomb Threat — Receiving a Phone Call
Receiving and reporting a threat:
While Speaking to a Caller:
- Immediately upon receiving a call, try to remain calm and courteous.
- Listen, do not interrupt the caller.
- If you have Caller ID on your telephone, make note of the telephone number.
- If possible, get someone’s attentions having them immediately contact Public Safety at Ext. 7575 or (567) 661-7575. Have them make this call outside of hearing range from the caller.
- If no one is in the area, contact Public Safety IMMEDIATELY after the caller hangs up.
- To keep the caller talking, ask questions. If the caller seems agreeable to further conversation, jot down his or her responses on the Bomb Threat Checklist.
- Document the call as outlined in the Bomb Threat Checklist for Phone Threats. Use the questions on the Bomb Threat Checklist.
- Pay particular attention to background noises, such as motors running, music playing, vehicle traffic and any other noise which may give a clue as to the location of the caller.
- Listen closely to the voice (male, female), the mood of the caller (calm, excited, despondent), accents or speech impediments.
- Record the time and the exact words of the message with particular emphasis on the description and the possible location of the device.
After The Threatening Call
- If done previously, contact Public Safety IMMEDIATELY at Ext. 7575 or (567) 661-7575.
- Complete the Bomb Threat Checklist to the best of our knowledge.
- Work with Public Safety in evaluating the situation.
- Assist with search of your work area (if you are requested to do so).
- Follow building evacuation procedures but only when ordered to do so by Public Safety or other emergency personnel (police, fire, etc.).

Receiving a Suspicious Package: Letter and/or Parcel – Written Threat, Unknown Substance
- Immediately report the incident to the Public Safety at ext. 7575 or (567) 661-7575. Public Safety will decide if a building evacuation is necessary. If so, follow Evacuation Protocols.
- Advise your supervisor of your concerns.
- Do not raise a general alarm.
- Save all material for forensic examination by Police, including the envelope or container.
- Avoid unnecessary handling.
- Do not use a cell phone within 300 feet of a suspicious package.
Letter and Parcel Bomb Recognition Points
The following are letter and parcel bomb recognition points:
- Mailed from a foreign country.
- Excessive or no postage.
- Unusual amount of tape on letter or parcel
- Rigid or bulky package
- Protruding wires
- Unusual weight for the size of the package
- Strange odor
- Lopsided package
- Oily stain on wrapper
Restrictive markings and address issues such as:
- Marked Confidential
- Misspelled name and address
- Badly typed or written address
- Marked Personal
- Title with no name
- Wrong title with name
- Handle with care. Do not move, shake or bump the parcel.
- Don’t open, touch or smell.
- Isolate the package or parcel immediately.
- Turn off fans, window air conditioners or space heaters.
- Remember: IT MAY BE A BOMB — treat it is as suspect.
Unknown Powdery Substance (inside or outside of package)
If the package contains any type of unexplained substance:
- Report the incident to Public Safety at ext. 7575 or (567) 661-7575.
- Leave the package in place and isolate it. If you haven’t fully opened it yet, don’t.
- Move everyone away from the immediate area or room where it is located.
- Vigorously wash your hands with soap and water (this applies to anyone who may have come into contact).
- Keep anyone who may have been exposed in the general area until authorities arrive.
Suspicious Object
If a suspicious object is found during the visual search of your area follow these procedures:
- Immediately report the suspicious object to the Department of Public Safety.
- Advise your supervisor of the situation.
- Do not touch or move the suspicious object or package under any circumstances.
- Do not operate cellular telephones or 2-way radios.
In the event of an explosion, use these additional procedures:
- Determine the location and extent of the explosion.
- Contact Public Safety at ext. 7575 or (567) 661-7575. Public Safety will contact required agencies.
- Help evacuate the area.
- Assist with any wounded or injured.
Note: Exercise extreme caution in an explosion situation. Remember the possibility of a secondary device. The explosion situation most likely will be a crime scene, as well as a bio-hazard area.