Ohio Collaborative Community-Police Advisory Board Report (2021)

The Ohio Collaborative Community-Police Advisory Board was formed in 2014 to hold law enforcement accountable to the same standards and instill a greater confidence with the public. As part of the Department of Public Safety’s volunteer participation in the program, the Police Misconduct / Complaint Investigations policy, in conjunction with the Complaint Investigation Handbook, went into effect on March 7, 2019.

On January 5, 2022, the Owens Department of Public Safety (DPS) conducted an annual review of agency practices related to this policy. In 2020, the department received two citizen’s complaints. These were investigated and the officer was exonerated in each instance. All internal investigations were conducted within established timelines, and in accordance with department policy, College policy and employee contracts.

The Bias Free Policing Policy, in conjunction with a Traffic Enforcement Policy, went into effect January 11, 2019. As part of this policy, DPS tracks self-initiated traffic and subject stop diversity. On January 5, 2022, an annual review, which included agency practices, data collected and any citizen concerns related to this policy, was conducted. Data showed DPS did not have any biased-based complaints in calendar year 2021.

The bias-based collected data reflect the following:

  • 53 total self-initiated traffic & subject stops (28-White; 20-Black; 1-Middle Eastern; 4-Hispanic)
  • 32 males and 21 females were stopped
  • 46 stops resulted in warnings
  • 7 stops resulted in citations (2-White females; 1-Hispanic male; 1-Asian female; 3-White males; 1-Black male)

For more information, contact Steven Harrison, Director, Public Safety/Chief of Police, at steven_harrison@owens.edu.